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New England Outdoor Center - A DNA Photography Maine Lakeside Wedding


Nicci and Nick - DNA Photography


One of my favorite places to visit on the planet is atop the majestic Mount Katahdin. I have hiked it now 17 times and I do not plan on stopping anytime soon. I started hiking this rock when I was 9 and have attempted to climb it whenever a chance presents itself to me. So imaging my excitement when I arrived at Nick and Nicci's wedding at the New England Outdoor Center in Millinocket and discovered that their ceremonial backdrop was going to be my rock!

Many people spend their entire lives looking for their (emotional) rock. Someone whom is there for them through thick and thin, highs and lows. When I spoke to Nicci she could not isolate one particular moment when she knew that she wanted Nick to be her rock. She shared that it was an accumulation of many small things that Nick had done over time and just the manner in which he supported her. Their first year tested their faith early on when he was away often lobstering. Then Nicci started nursing school. Through it all they supported each other, purchased a home together, married a year ago and now have an adorable little girl. They have found their rocks!

I asked what brought them both way up here to the edge of Baxter State Park to finally have the wedding they have been waiting for and she said the decision was quite simple. After just a couple months of dating Nick suggested that they go on a little adventure. He drove her two hours north to eat at a little cabin restaurant. They loved their short day trip and fell in love with the amazing view of Mt. Katahdin. Once they were done eating, they headed back home. Short and sweet but that simple memory lives in both of them and they now attempt to hike parts of Baxter State Park every year. So when the time came to decide on where they wanted to celebrate their wedding (actually their one-year anniversary) they decided to head back to that little restaurant. However, this time around they brought friends and family with them.

Nick and Nicci, we love your story and are so honored you decided to work with us on your wedding day. We had such a great time and I personally think you have one of the best wedding backdrops one could hope for. Good luck to the three of you.

Here are just a few teasers from their amazing day.

Photography: DNA Photography

Engagement Ring: Kay Jewelers

Hair and Makeup: Steel Magnolias Day Spa

Flowers: Sam's Club

Cake and Catering: River Drivers

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